Ficliteral: What is it?

Ficliteral is a recent term created for psychotics to refer to the character(s) they are. It's a term exclusive to psychotic people and shouldn't be used by non-psychotics.
!! It was coined by @wolffangkiss on tumblr !!

A description of ficliteral from a survey:
- "Being someone who appears in media. It differs from kinning because you legitimately are the character. It can be severely distressing to see someone claiming to be you, or kin you."

Inaccurate Terms:

Delusional Attachment: The source of this term and the way it's been used has made it inaccurate. I found this post that describes the problems with this term very well! Quoting from it;

"[.....] the experience isn't necessarily a delusion of grandiose (and in most cases it actually isn't at all,) it's not an attachment (it's an "identify-as" identity, a literal delusional attachment would describe an erotomanic delusion) and identities are inherently not delusions. the person who coined it (albeit for personal use) didn't do their research into delusions before coining it. if this stayed as an individually used term, this wouldn't be such a huge issue..."

IRL (in real life): This term is used by otherkin/fictionkin without psychosis, which makes it inaccurate to describe the experience of psychotic people. It's not harmful to psychotic people, it's simply used by a lot of non-psychotics.


This term might not click with you and that's okay! There are probably a lot of terms that aren't widespread. If you'd like to tag me in any you find so I can add them here, I'm toadcr on tumblr!